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1/4 cup olive oil
Whole fryer chicken
1 can beer (preferably a tall boy)
Fat Boy Cajun Seasoning
Charcoal Grill Prep: Fill one starter chimney with charcoal. When hot, dump into grill. Move coals around edges to provide for indirect heating. Temperature must be between 350 and 400 degrees. Add charcoal as needed.
Take your whole fryer chicken and rub the 1/4 cup olive oil around the outside. Sprinkle outside and inside liberally with Fat Boy cajun seasoning. Open beer. Take a drink. Place can of beer up the chickens butt. Place on grill for approximately 1.25 to 1.5 hours and internal temperature of at least 160 degrees. Chicken skin should be brown and crispy. Carefully remove from grill with tongs. Slice and enjoy.